Wednesday, May 30, 2012

In today’s class third last group presented on the field trip strategy and the things that  I learn from today’s class are as follows;;;

Field trip strategy
It was introduced in 1827 by George Shilibees for a Quarter School at Abney Pared in Slode Newington, London, United Kingdom.
Definition- It is teaching and learning strategy y where we move outside to get more and better information about a particular topic.

Features of field trip
ü  It facilitate the learning of abstract concepts
ü  It motivates students through increased interest and curiosity
ü  It increases student-student and student-teacher social interaction
ü  Develops social awareness

Purpose of field trip
ü  It enhance the curriculum
ü  Renewal by saving from boredom and refreshing]
ü  Give students experiential learning experiences
ü  Concrete skills such as note taking
ü  Involvement in real world experience makes learning more meaningful and memorable
ü  It helps students appreciate the relevance and importance of what they learn in the class

Types of field trip
1.       Instructional trips- it is a visit by the class or group of classes to a location outside the regular classroom
2.       School contest of festivals- it is to provide an opportunity for student s to demonstrate knowledge and skills developed through subject area instruction
3.       Motivation trips- it is going out with our own interest

Steps involved
Her e there are six steps involved which are as follows;
1.       Trip selection
2.       Logistics planning
3.       Field trip preparation or pre-trip discussion
4.       Post field trip
5.       Evaluation of the trip

And this strategy is having advantages and the disadvantages which are as follows;
ü  Real world experience
ü  Increase in quality of education
ü  Improvement of the social relation

ü  Expensive
ü  Time consuming
ü  Lack of support from school administration fort he field trip
ü  Poor student’s behavior and attitude
ü  Shortage of resources and choice of venue
ü  Medical risk

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